
It was Christmastime. My daughter had just turned three, and my grandmother was 80 and a bit hard of hearing.

 ME: I took our sweet pea to see Santa. When he asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she said, “More time with my friends.”

GRANMA: What did Santa say to that?

ME: He got choked up.

GRANMA: He said “Tough Luck?” What kind of Santa says that to a kid?!

DAUGHTER: No Granma, not “tough luck” — “choked up!”

GRANMA: He was coked up too? A mean Santa on dope? What’s this world coming to?!

 No matter the challenges, my life has been filled with laughter. I hope this memory makes you laugh too. It wasn’t easy raising a toddler and taking care of my grandmother, at the same time, both of whom had multiple medical issues; but it was a blessing and an honor, and I lived for moments of misunderstanding humor, like the one that happened here that left us all in a heap of laughter.

© Sage Justice 2022

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